read this If Stress Is Crushing The Joy Out Of Your Life...

Groundbreaking Ivy League
Research Helps Unlock The
“Meditation Molecule” Secret
To Calm, Serene Days…

In Just 5 Seconds A Day!

These amazing edible molecules mimic many of the
stress-relieving effects of meditation WITHOUT leaving you feeling zoned-out and drowsy… So you can breeze through the most demanding days and feel like your old self again.

These amazing edible molecules mimic many of the
stress-relieving effects of meditation WITHOUT leaving you feeling zoned-out and drowsy… So you can breeze through the most demanding days and feel like your old self again.

Hey Friend…

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar?


Or your husband...

Or even your precious kids or grandkids...

Until, eventually, you look in the mirror one morning and your heart drops as you realize the fun-loving person you used to be…

The person your family and friends loved to be around...

Has gone…

And you feel like you’ll never get them back!

You know something needs to change…

But your only options to help you feel less stressed seem to be stress relief supplements that leave you feeling like a zombie… so you can’t get anything done...

a girl meditating.

Or meditation… which can take time you simply don’t have.

Don’t get me wrong…

I love nothing more than setting aside 15 minutes
during the day to reconnect with myself… When I have
the time...

But sometimes my long to-do list is so overwhelming, it’s just not possible...

And you’re so stressed from playing constant catch-up that even the things you used to love doing…

Like laughing with old friends over a glass of wine…

Curling up on the sofa to treat yourself to an episode of your favorite show...

Or hanging out with your partner on a gorgeous summer’s day...

No longer fill you with joy!

If any of that sounds familiar…

If you feel...


Ready to snap at the
simplest questions and
smallest mishaps...


Worried your neverending
to-do list is starting to harm
your relationships with the
people you love the most…


Abandoned because you’re
taking care of everyone else…
But who's taking care of you?...

If You Feel Like Stress Is Dictating How You
Live Your Life
And Crushing Your Ability To Enjoy Even The Most Precious Moments…

Then read on…

Because you are not alone…

And today I have exciting news just for you…

Because a long-forgotten study from Harvard University has revealed an amazing stress-lifting discovery…

That not only unlocked exactly how meditative breathing causes our brain to send a wave of calm through your body…

But led to the incredible discovery of natural, edible “Meditation Molecules” that mimic many of the calming effects of meditation in as little as 5 seconds…

So you no longer need to find 5, 10, or even 20 minutes of “free time” in your hectic schedule…

Or find a quiet place free from distractions…

(Good luck with that when there’s a 3 year old in the house or your boss needs you to email a copy of your report RIGHT THIS SECOND!!!…)

Or try to “clear your mind” when all your brain wants to do is keep reminding you of everything you still have left to do...


In order to get back to enjoying your life…

And finally feel like your old self again…

The relaxed, fun version that your friends loved to grab a coffee with…

Your kids loved to laugh and play with…

And your husband loved to, well, you know what with ;)

But the good news doesn’t end there…


Because the stress-lifting “Meditation Molecules” I’m going to tell you all about in just a minute……

Only takes 5 seconds out of your day…

Will work for anyone...


And it’s something you won’t just want to do everyday… but you’ll LOVE to do!

But don’t just take my word for it…

Because top researchers from World-renowned institutes like University of California - San Diego, MIT, and the prestigious science journal Frontiers all seem to agree…,

These amazing “Meditation Molecules” may have many of the same stress-relieving, serenity and joy-inducing effects on your brain as REAL meditation.

I’ll explain all the details in just a second…

But before I get to that, let me first introduce myself.

My name is Danette May…


And I understand EXACTLY what you’re going through right now…

I know what it’s like to live everyday without feeling any joy…

Exhausted… Overwhelmed… Stuck…

And juggling life, loved-ones, work, and finances at the expense of my own health.

Before I was 30 years old, I had already lost my son during childbirth…

Lived through a devastating divorce…

And was a single mom, sleeping on the floor, with only $47.63 to my name…

As you can imagine…

Stress followed me around everyday like a wet blanket…

Weighing me down...

Squeezing the last drops of joy from my life…

And, I’m ashamed to say, making me not the nicest person to be around.


My nerves were frayed… my fuse was short… And my temper was quick…

But after months of severe depression…

I looked at who I’d become in the mirror…

And no longer recognized the tightly wound person staring back at me.

That was when I decided enough was enough…

And I knew it was time to fight back...

So I used my inner resistance as fuel to pull myself out of the “muck” I was in…

And regain control over my life.

Luckily this tragic period of my life led me to discover a unique philosophy of transforming your body…

Not through punishment and restriction…

But through...

Healing Foods, Healing Movement,
and a Healing Mindset.

I decided to use my degree in pre-med and nutrition…

And my years as a certified fitness professional, Pilates instructor, and Nutrition Expert...

To develop unique life-transforming fitness programs that have helped change the minds and bodies of over 353,000 men and women.


I’m extremely blessed to have had this opportunity…

But my healing journey has only just begun…

Because every day I meet new women just like you…

Women who have been told they must put the needs of everyone else first..

That self-care comes after everyone else’s care…

The kids… grandkids… hubby… work… social obligations...

But the truth is, your health and happiness are the most important…

Because when you’re able to function properly and enjoy each day to its fullest…

Everyone you love and take care of benefits.

So I set out to find a way to help as many women as possible deal with the pressure cooker of stress we all find ourselves trapped in today.

What I discovered shocked me…

And it all began with something called...



Now, you’re probably already familiar with cortisol

Aka the “stress” hormone.

Cortisol evolved as part of our “fight or flight” response…

So you had the energy to escape the Saber-tooth Tiger that was eyeballing you for lunch.

For sure, the things that stress us today are way different...

We swapped Sabertooth Tigers for horribly-timed emails from an impatient boss…

And the rise in blood pressure from trying to get a 3 year old and 5 year old to “play nice”...

But our brains don’t know the difference…

So when your stress levels are high…

Something as simple as your partner leaving the empty toilet paper roll on the holder can pump up the cortisol in your system…

Sending your agitation through the roof…

And priming you for a fight… except with sharp words instead of a sharpened spear.

But here's the thing, cortisol is actually only half the story…

The other half is the “happy hormone”...



You see, cortisol and dopamine are on opposite ends of the same seesaw…

When one’s high, the other’s low…

And vice versa…

So when your cortisol spikes, the only way to bring it back down is to raise the other end of the seesaw..

Which means your body releases dopamine…

Helping you to calm down…

And rebalance the seesaw.

Which is why, if you’ve ever felt yourself uncontrollably craving sugary or fatty food when you’re stressed…

Or just wanted to hide in your bed and endlessly scroll through social media...

It’s because when you eat sweet foods, get “likes”, or find new novel things posted online...

Your brain's reward system gets activated…,

Which… you got it… gives your brain a hit of dopamine…

Lowering the cortisol end of the seesaw…

And temporarily making you feel less stressed!

Now, this makes the solution to managing your stressed out feelings sound pretty obvious…

To reduce cortisol, you simply need to increase dopamine, right?

Well, unfortunately, no...

Because a recent study from Harvard has shown that there’s actually a third hormone... called Noradrenaline… aka “The emergency hormone”... that your body can overproduce during times of chronic stress.


Now, you might have read that and thought, “I’m not chronically stressed”...

But chronic doesn’t mean one huge stressful event…

Or that you feel completely crushed by stress...

It can also happen if you’re dealing with occasional lower stress situations day after day after day…

Like disagreeing with your partner about who was supposed to pick up toothpaste…

Or losing your cool in rush hour traffic...

Or the little tinge of annoyance you get when someone from work emails you after work hours, even though you have no intention of replying to it.

And the problem is…

Noradrenaline actually blocks dopamine from having the effect it’s supposed to in your brain…

cortisol level.

Which, remember, is to make you feel happy!

Let me repeat that one more time…

Because it could be the most important thing youread today.

Cortisol and dopamine are on either end of the stress seesaw…

So for you to feel less stressed cortisol has to go down…

And for cortisol to go down…

Dopamine levels in your brain need to rise...

But this second hormone actually STOPS that from happening.

It’s called Noradrenaline…


Aka the emergency hormone...

And, in the words of Michael Melnychuk from Ireland’s world-renowned Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience…

“When we are stressed we produce too much noradrenaline and we can't focus”...

So if noradrenaline is pumping through your system…

And noradrenaline blocks dopamine receptors…

That’s a double stress whammy...

Because remember, dopamine doesn’t just level out cortisol to help you feel less stressed…

It actually helps you feel happy...

So when noradrenaline blocks dopamine in your brain…

It can leave you with a feeling of low level agitation...

AND ALSO reduce your ability to feel happiness!

So the things that used to bring you joy…

Like catching up with friends over a bottle of wine...

Or cuddling on the sofa with your partner in front of a good movie...

No longer recharge your “happiness batteries” like they used too (and even the thought of them doesn’t excite you…).

I’m going to repeat that, because
it’s very important you understand it…

By restricting the amount of dopamine (the HAPPY hormone) that can affect your brain...

Noradrenaline doesn’t just jack up your stress response… it may actually lessen your ability to feel happy… and feel like yourself again!

brain cells.

Now normally, your noradrenaline will eventually go down by itself.

Once that happens...

Dopamine will be able to do it’s “happy” thing in your brain again…

The cortisol end of the seesaw will drop...

And all will be well with the world.

But we’re definitely not living in normal times right now…

tired girl.

Then this could be keeping your cortisol AND noradrenaline permanently switched on...

Throttling your dopamine supply…

AND your ability to find joy in... well... anything.

That’s why it doesn’t only become so hard to just relax…

But it also becomes impossible for you to have the energy or enthusiasm to do the things you used to love.

If any of this
sounds familiar...

tired woman.
  • If your fuse feels short...
  • Or you snap at your kids over the littlest things
    (only to then be consumed by guilt for not being a
    “better” mom)...
  • Or you mourn the loss of the fun, happy version
    of you…
  • The real you, that your friends and family loved
    being around…

It may be a sign that noradrenaline is crushing your ability to
get the joy back in your life.

Now, don’t worry…

I do have some good news today (phew, finally)...

And it all started during my research, when I stumbled upon a long-forgotten Harvard study about meditation written in 1982.

That led to the discovery of the simple, fast, stress-relieving advancement I’m going to share with you today.


In fact, you’re not gonna believe how simple it is…

But I promise it will definitely be worth the wait ;).

Now, we all know meditation can help relieve stress and promote a sense of calmness…

But for the first time, this study found out half of the reason why it makes you feel that way…

And the answer surprised me...

You see, people who meditate still produce the “emergency hormone” noradrenaline…

But even though it’s there in their bloodstream…

It’s effect on your brain is virtually blocked…

Which means dopamine is no longer blocked…

Which means your cortisol levels drop… and you can feel not just calm, but also happy.

However, like I said, it turns out that was only half the story…

happy girl.

And I was stunned to discover the other half...

Because it wasn’t until recent advances in science that researchers at the prestigious John F. Kennedy Institute were able to hold a first-of-its kind clinical trial involving humans…

And were shocked to discover that…

Meditation does stop noradrenaline from entering the brain...

But that it also INCREASES your dopamine production...

Meaning that once “dopamine-blocking” noradrenaline is gone…

Not only can dopamine do it’s thing in your brain again…

But you also get an extra boost of dopamine… just like when you eat sweet treats… giving you an extra shot of joy!

Isn’t that one-two calming punch amazing?!


Well, once I knew noradrenaline could be virtually blocked…

I set out to uncover if there were other natural ways of making it happen AND boosting dopamine at the same, like the calming effects of meditation...

And that was when I discovered sitting down and closing your eyes for 20 minutes isn’t the ONLY way to enjoy the one-two benefits of meditation…

Which as I mentioned earlier is great news…

Because let’s be honest…

When your day is being pulled in a dozen different directions at the same time…


Your work email is pinging…

But your kids are screaming because their lunch isn’t going to make itself…

And your partner just called to let you know he’ll be late again… so now YOU need to take care of that thing they were supposed to...

Causing your fuse to get shorter and shorter...

As your whole world feels like a neverending to-do-list, stress pressure-cooker... whose lid is about to explode…

Who has the chance to find 2 minutes to meditate, nevermind 15 or 20?

Well, the amazing news is...

The meditation I’m about to share with you takes FAR less time…

A matter of seconds even...

Yet it is shown by studies to have the same stress-relieving, happiness-boosting, one-two punch
as sitting down cross-legged and breathing deeply…

And did I mention…

It’s also absolutely delicious :)

So you can take an indulgent 15, 20, or 30 seconds for yourself…


And savor every second of it…

As you curb your noradrenaline so dopamine can start flowing into your brain again…

AND boost your body’s production of dopamine…

Releasing a wave of calmness AND a boost of happiness…

And giving you some much deserved TLC…

So you can easily take anything your kids can throw at you… including their lunch… in your stride WITHOUT it causing you to blow a fuse and ruin your day…

And no longer get overwhelmed…

Because it feels like you have a million fires to put out, with only a watering can...

And finally feel like yourself again.

So what is this micro meditation that can be done in as little as 5 seconds… or as long as you want to savor it for?

Well, it can actually only be recreated with two unique “Meditation Molecules”...

One that helps curb


And a second that boosts


So that once they’re combined…

They have many of the same calming effects that actual meditation does on your brain.


You see, while I was deep in my research I stumbled upon an amazing natural molecule that could in some ways mimic the first stress-reducing phase of actual meditation…

By curbing noradrenaline…

But while I was excited…

I knew if I wanted to truly replicate the calming, joyous feeling of meditation…

I had to push it one step further…

To find a second natural molecule that could be combined with the first…

And boost dopamine.

After months of research…


Many late nights…

And more than a few possible candidates… that ended up being dead ends…

I was about ready to give up…

When I discovered the absolute PERFECT molecule…

And that’s not an exaggeration…

Because that molecule was hiding right in front of my nose…

Inside chocolate!


But not just any chocolate…

A very unique type of chocolate…

That hasn’t had all of the goodness processed out of it…

And hasn’t been filled with sugar...

And is packed full of a molecule that mimics elements of the
second phase of meditation…

To help fill your body with a shot of joyous dopamine...

So that when these two “Meditation Molecules” are combined...

You don’t just feel a wave of stress relief....

You also get an even BIGGER hit of happiness!

Doesn’t that sound incredible?!

Well, once I discovered these “Meditation Molecules” I knew I had to figure out how to combine them…

Because, seriously…

What could possibly be better than a guilt-free hit of delicious chocolate…

man & woman.

That calms your frazzled nerves…

AND puts a smile on your face…

Just like real meditation…

But in a fraction of the time?!

So you could take 5 seconds out of your day to savor a delicious mouthful of chocolate…

AND help your mind and body to decompress in the process…

So you can give yourself time to breathe and realize you don’t have to “do it all”...


You just need to be you.

So I set out to find the highest quality sources of these two Meditation Molecules…

And let me tell you…

Given everything that’s been going on in the world lately…

It got pretty stressful…

(Kind of ironic, huh?)

But eventually, after a few months of searching…

I finally found what I needed…

man & woman.

And it was time to test them out…

Which as you can imagine…

Was absolute torture ;)...

Spending my days tasting chocolate… was brutal lol.

But seriously, I was completely stunned by my results…

After just one bite of this delicious “Meditation Molecule” packed chocolate…

I felt mellow without feeling zoned-out…

Things that would have tested my patience before started to wash over me...

And my short-tempered snippiness melted away.

My husband even noticed the change… and confided in me that it was great to have the old me back!

I started to actually look forward to hanging out with my friends again…

And once they noticed the change in me…

They begged to know my secret.

Now, what kind of a friend would I be if
I didn’t share my chocolate?

So, of course, I gave them all some to try out for themselves…

And that was the most thrilling part…

Because one by one they started to tell me how they felt so much more chilled out…


And how the little things…

Like their kids being in one of those “I refuse to wear socks today” type of moods...

Or a stressed-out colleague sending them a snarky email…

Or their husband forgetting he was supposed to pick up dinner…

No longer seemed to bother them as much.

Well, once I heard this…

I knew with the stress-epidemic the world is facing right now…

That I had to get my “Meditation Molecule” chocolate into as many chocolate-lovers' hands as possible…

So I challenged my team to source the necessary high-quality ingredients in as large quantities as possible…


Which turned out to be extremely challenging…

Very expensive...

And took months…

But eventually they arrived…

And that’s why I’m excited to introduce to you this amazing stress-relieving chocolate packed with my unique, serenity-boosting “Meditation Molecules”...

Earth Echo
calm bites

product. product.
product. product.

Calm Bites are a delicious blueberry-flavored
dark chocolate
treat brimming with my unique Meditation Molecules to help


Lift stress


Infuse your days with
a serene sense of calm

mother & daughter.

And bring the joy back
to your life…

So you can take whatever the day throws at you in your stride, and get back to being the old, fun you… that the people you love enjoy spending time with.

Remember, that’s because inside every sumptuous chocolate bite you’ll find ingredients built on the foundation of a Harvard University innovation…

And shown to release the same wave of tranquil calm in your brain as 5, 10, or 15 minutes of meditation… WITHOUT making you feel drowsy or zoned out.

So you can feel totally present and focused

And rediscover the joy in all the things you used to love to do as life’s annoyances simply wash over you.

Just imagine…


Whether you’re in your mid-thirties…

Early sixties…

Or feel wound so tight right now that you’re worried you may never be your old self again...

I know Calm Bites can work for you…

Because every delicious mouthful of blueberry dark chocolate contains a unique combination of my “Meditation Molecules” that can’t be found in any other chocolate…

And is scientifically-backed to help manage the effects of occasional anxiety-building noradrenaline on your brain... while simultaneously boosting your “Happy Hormone” dopamine levels… just like real meditation!


So you can...

Feel a sense of calm wash over you... even as your kids decide it’s time for an afternoon sofa gymnastics session…

And laugh off a snippy comment from a work colleague rather than play it over and over again in your head, ruining your day…

And look forward to hanging out with friends with a renewed sense of excitement… just like the old, less-frazzled you.

I’m truly confident of this because of the simple science that ensures...

Every Mouthwatering Calm Bite Helps Send A
Flood Of Tranquility Through Your Body...

Letting You Get Back To Feeling Like The Old You,
Your Friends And Family Love

Remember, the astounding benefits of the “Meditation Molecules” at the heart of my Calm Bites were built from groundbreaking research by Harvard University…

And that’s why I’m so excited to share them with you today…

So without further ado, it’s time to introduce the two nature-based ingredients at the heart of these unique chocolate bites…

Meditation Molecule #1:
L Theanine

Remember, step one of actual meditation’s magical calming effects start when noradrenaline is blocked from entering the brain…


That way, it helps lift the block on your “happy hormone” dopamine…

Meaning it can start to do it’s “happy” thing in your brain...

Which helps manage your cortisol levels…

To help you feel less stressed and able to cope with your day.

Well, this amazing first “Meditation Molecule” works in the same way!

In fact, in one 2019 randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover, and double-blind trial…

Which is the gold standard of human studies…

Researchers were shocked to discover after just 4 weeks of taking a supplement containing this wonder molecule…

The people taking part in the study saw their scores decrease in no less than four different international scales used to measure stress!

And in a second randomized controlled study…

Researchers declared that this first Meditation Molecule…

“Relaxes the mind without inducing drowsiness”... And…

“... has a significant effect on the general state of mental alertness or arousal.”


Which is incredible news if you’re a busy mom…

Or have demanding days…

Because you can let a wave of calm wash over you…

But still be alert and sharp instead of that zoned-out and drowsy feeling that comes with so many stress-relief solutions.

And it doesn’t end there.

A review of 5 trials by one of Australia’s top universities was excited to find that like meditation, this serenity-inducing molecule…

“... can assist in reducing acute stress... in people experiencing stressful situations.”

Isn’t that amazing?!

I hope you’re starting to see why I knew I simply had to include this amazing stress-vaporizing molecule in my delicious chocolate treats.

Speaking of delicious chocolate...

That brings me nicely to the second molecule necessary to deliver a calming one-two, noradrenaline curbing, dopamine boosting meditation punch...

Meditation Molecule #2:
72% Cacao Dark Chocolate

The 72% cacao dark chocolate at the heart of every yummy, relaxing Calm Bite is unlike anything you can buy in a store...

Made from a combination of the highest quality, organic, fair trade dark chocolate available anywhere in the world.


You see...

Before regular store-bought chocolate has all of thegoodness processed out of it…

Before it’s packed with unhealthy refined sugar...

It starts life as a plant seed called Cacao...

And cacao is one of nature’s superfoods…

Bursting with an incredibly powerful antioxidant that makes it far more nutritious than kale!

In fact...

According to a 2011 study, well over 100 uses of cacao for health and wellness support have been documented…

But only one of them was the reason I knew I had to wrap Meditation Molecule #1 in a jacket of the finest quality decadent dark chocolate…

And I think you can guess it...

This second Meditation Molecule’s superpower is that, like meditation…

It may help send a wave of fresh dopamine pulsing through our body!

So once Meditation Molecule #1 has done its job and helped curb noradrenaline…

Your brain is primed for the “happy hormone”, cortisol leveling rush heading its way.

But that’s not the only happiness-inducing secret hidden inside this unique type of chocolate…



Dark chocolate also contains
phenylethylamine… A compound
called the “love drug”...

Because it creates a brain buzz similar to being in love!



This unique 72% Cacao Dark
chocolate also contains Anandamide… AKA “The Bliss Molecule”... Because it attaches to the cannabinoid receptors in your brain … Giving you that blissful chocolate high.

If you ever need an excuse to eat chocolate,
I’m pretty sure I just gave you about five haha.


But I’m not actually finished yet.

You see, my desire to make these the most effective (and most delicious) stress-busting chocolate bites meant I couldn’t just stop there.

So after discovering the one-two stress-busting, joy-boosting power of my “Meditation Molecules”...

I set off on a mission to discover other natural ingredients that have also been shown by rigorous scientific research to induce similar calming effects to meditation...

Boosting your ability to handle stress

So I could increase the power of this sumptuous, relaxing,
“micro-meditation” treat.

If you’ll allow me, I’m excited to share those ingredients with you right now!

Serenity Boosting Bonus Ingredient #1:


Used for centuries in ancient Ayurvedic Medicine for it’s stress-relieving powers…

In a recent randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 64 people...

(Remember, that’s the gold standard of studies)...

Researchers were stunned to find that “the blood cortisol levels were substantially reduced in the Ashwagandha group”.

Which is why this first serenity boosting bonus ingredient is one of my favorites…

Because remember, when cortisol levels go down dopamine levels go up!

And in a second study, researchers concluded that Ashwagandha “effectively improves an individual's resistance towards stress”.

Serenity Boosting Bonus Ingredient #2:


Now this final ingredient isn’t strictly “stress-relieving”...

But give me a second, and I promise it will make you happy.

You see, 99% of chocolate bars use cane sugar…

(Even so-called “healthier” ones)…

To take the bitter edge off of dark chocolate by adding sweetness…

But if you didn’t already know, the problem with cane sugar is that it gives you what are known as “empty calories”... because it contains zero beneficial nutrients.

So you’re basically adding calories to your diet (which you’re going to have to burn off)... and the only thing you’re getting in return is the sweet taste.


I knew there had to be a healthier way to give Calm Bites a delicious hint of sweetness…

So my team scoured the earth for a worthy alternative…

And that’s when they unearthed coconut sugar…

Nature’s miracle sweetener.

You see, unlike cane sugar...

Coconut sugar actually slows glucose absorption... which explains why it has a lower glycemic index than regular table sugar...

So your blood sugar levels don’t spike after you’ve eaten it…

And you don’t get the jittery sugar crash either.

So you can enjoy this delicious stress-relieving treat every single day… without the slightest bit of guilt!

Didn’t I promise it would make you happy? :)

Which brings me to the last… but not least… serenity boosting ingredient...

Serenity Boosting Bonus Ingredient #3:

Hypericum Perforatum.

Now, this third serenity boosting bonus ingredient is one of my favorites…

Because this yellow flowering plant contains a powerful phytochemical (that’s science speak for natural plant molecules)...

That studies show can inhibit the brain’s reuptake of noradrenaline... ,

Which, remember, is the “emergency hormone” that blocks dopamine…

Restricting your ability to feel joy.

But that’s not all…

Because a recent study from the prestigious Oxford University in England also found that Hypericum Perforatum also “significantly reduced” cortisol levels in the brain too!

In other words…

It simultaneously helps both “Meditation Molecules” work even harder at reducing feelings of stress.

Isn’t that incredible?

That covers the amazing ingredients in
every single stress-busting delicious Calm Bite...

But I shouldn’t forget to tell you what ISN’T.

You see, I’m proud to let you know Calm Bites contain…


No Soy


No Dairy


No Gluten


No Fillers


No Artificial Sweeteners


No Artificial

And the best part is…

Because Calm Bites help to relieve stress in some of the same ways meditation does…

They don’t leave you drowsy, zoned-out and walking through the day like a zombie like some natural stress relief supplements or other stress remedies can.

So eating one Calm Bite doesn’t just leave you feeling like you just ate a delicious treat…

It helps leave you feeling relaxed and tranquil

Yet sharp enough to still take care of your day.

Isn’t that amazing?!

Well, that covers all of the high-quality ingredients in each sumptuous Calm Bite…

As you can see...

My team didn’t hold back when they were sourcing only the finest organic ingredients!

In a minute I’ll tell you exactly how you can get your hands on these delicious, decadent, stress-evaporating chocolate bites… and how much they cost...

But first…

I’m super proud that my team spent two years sourcing only the finest ingredients for Calm Bites from all around the world…

Which was no small feat when you consider we work with farmers who use sustainable methods.


I’m sure you can imagine just how long that takes...

And as excitement has already built for the launch of this delicious stress-relieving chocolate…

I’m anticipating that once we sell out of our launch inventory…

It may take a while to pull in every single one of the premium ingredients again…

Before we can get Calm Bites back in stock.

Now, I’d hate for you to grab your first pouch of delicious Calm Bites…


And start feeling the suffocating blanket of stress lift…

Feel the moments of joy returning to your day…

Like your kids telling you how excited they are to have “fun” mommy back...

And catching the smile on your partner's face after you spend an amazing day together… and they realize the old you is back...

Only to visit our website to place your second order...

And find the words “OUT OF STOCK” plastered across the order page…

So I wanted to make you a special
“Launch” offer, on this page only…

On this page only, you can take advantage of a massive discount on the 3 or 5 pack option


And stock up on enough delicious Calm Bites to keep feeling relaxed and full of joy for months…

Without any worries of running out of the yummy chocolate treat that’s helping you feel so good…

And enjoy life with the people you love most…

Day after day.

Now, given the world-class, sustainably-sourced ingredients in every Calm Bite…

Not to mention the benefits that money can’t buy…

You could see why Calm Bites will eventually retail at $79.95 per pouch…

But today, I’ve got a surprise for you…

Because, as I said, I’m so excited about getting my new Calm Bites in your hands…

So you can savor this sumptuous stress-busting chocolate for yourself…

What people are saying about Calm Bites...


I cannot say enough how delicious the Calm Bites are! The rich dark chocolate is smooth and not at all bitter, which sometimes is what I expect with cacao. I also love the hint of blueberry! I enjoy one every night before bed!"

- Michelle P.


The creamy taste is delicious
and I like knowing it's healthy for me too!

- Jamie T.


These bites are beyond my expectation! I love the healthy benefits. Smooth chocolate taste, and cure my afternoon chocolate cravings!

- Lori K.

I want to offer you a
special launch price…

Today only, you’ll be able to take advantage of the best price we’ll ever give on the 5 pouch option… for just $XX a pouch…

That’s a savings of $XXX…

And I’ve instructed my team to give a discount on the 3 pouch and single pouch options too… They’re not quite as big as the 5 pouch option, but they’re still quite a savings…

Just choose between the 5, 3, or single pouch options below...


Each pouch comes filled with [x] delicious blueberry dark chocolate Calm Bites...

So even if you only treat yourself to one a day, that’s [x] days of the new, serene you…

But the great thing is, you can never really stock up on too many…

Because you know your friends will be asking what changed?... How did you get so chill?

And oh boy, once they find out the secret behind your effortless ability to glide through the day…

The secret that brought your amazing laugh and smile back into your life… AND into their life too…

Was delicious dark chocolate…

Girl, you know they’re going to want to try some…

And then try some more haha.

Which means you’ll be getting through the pouches quicker…


And that’s why I always recommend getting the 5 pouch option…

Because, sure, you could always get one pouch…

And then kick yourself when you run out fast because everyone wants your special calming treats…

Or, if you want to feel the stress-reducing effects of Calm Bites even longer…

See even better results…

And see the look of joy on your loved ones faces as the happy, joy-filled you sticks around...

You could give yourself the TLC you deserve and grab the 5 pouch option today.

That way, you can save even more money…

And, because these aren’t some store bought, sugar-filled, overly-processed unhealthy chocolate treats…

The best part is...

You (and your friends) can enjoy them everyday… without an ounce of guilt!

So Go Ahead And Grab Your
Delicious Calm Bites Right Now...

Once you click on the package you want, you’ll
be taken to a secure order page to review your order.


1 Box


Save 25%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $79.99

security badges.

most popular & best value


Buy 4, Get 1 FREE


Save 37%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $399.95

security badges.

3 box

3 Boxes


Save 31%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $239.97

security badges.

Now, I want you to be able to buy with confidence...

So your order will also be backed by my...

60 Day “No-Risk”
100% Money Back Guarantee

I’m giving you a full 60 days to try delicious Calm Bites for yourself…

With ZERO risk on your part.

If during the next two months, for any reason, you’re not satisfied with the investment you’ve made in your health…


Just send back your order - even if the first box is empty - and my customer support team will give you a prompt and speedy refund…


No questions asked.

Sound fair?

If so...


Go Ahead And Choose
Your Package Now...


1 Box


Save 25%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $79.99

security badges.

most popular & best value


Buy 4, Get 1 FREE


Save 37%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $399.95

security badges.

3 box

3 Boxes


Save 31%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $239.97

security badges.

Remember, the foundations of these
unique “Meditation Molecules” were laid
by Harvard University researchers…


And as I’ve shown you, every single delicious blueberry dark chocolate Calm Bite is packed full of stress-relieving, serenity-inducing ingredients backed by scientific study after scientific study...

But whether you decide to invest in yourself today…

Whether you decide to invest in your peace of mind…

And make an investment to repair the damage occasional ill-temper and irritability has done to the relationships that mean the most to you…

Well, that decision is ultimately yours.

Right now, you really have two options.

Option one...

Ignore the scientifically-backed evidence you’ve seen today…

Ignore the incredible studies from the world’s most prestigious universities showing the unique blend of ingredients in every Calm Bite can have many of the same one-two calming effects as meditation… in just seconds a day...


And just carry on hoping life will eventually ease up…

That the stress will eventually go away on its own…

That you losing your temper over the littlest things won’t be how your kids remember you…

That the people you love the most…

Your husband, boyfriend, partner, friends…

Will give you an endless amount of credit for the calm, fun person you used to be… rather than the frazzled, short-fused person the pressure of recent events have turned you into…

And that your friends will keep extending invitations to hang out... even though you keep cancelling time after time, telling them you’re just too busy…

When the truth is, even if you do have the time, the thought of doing anything but getting some alone time has completely lost its joy..

Maybe that will happen.

Maybe some hero will swoop in and take care of your overwhelming, ever-growing daily to-do list will…

And the old you... the fun to be around, light-hearted you… will just magically reappear…

Tired woman.

But let’s be real for a second…

That kind of thinking is what got you right here…

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

You do have
another option…

[ And did I mention it’s also a delicious chocolate treat you can eat every day? ;) ]

The choice to fight back against stress… and take back control of your frazzled nerves and short fuse.

Just take a second to imagine what it would be like if you grabbed that choice with both hands…

And how your life could be in just a few short weeks from now…


Whether that’s calmly explaining to your child why lunch goes into their mouth and not straight onto the floor... without snapping, or raising your voice, or being consumed by guilt because you can see the hurt in their eyes…

Or making sure every moment with your children is a memory they'll not only remember but LOVE and cherish...

Rather than a memory of their mom blowing up again…

Or the feeling of pride when your boss mentions how fun it is to work with you… and how your work colleagues have been complimenting you for your calm-level headedness… rather than complaining about your snarkiness behind your back…

Or the epic flood of warmth through your body as your hubby holds you tight and whispers in your ear how much they love having the “old you” back.


Doesn’t that sound incredible?!

And the best part is…

You can take this path risk-free today!

Because remember, every single order is backed by our 60-day “No Risk” 100% Money Back Guarantee.

But you must act quickly because these special launch prices will only be around while stocks last...

So grab your pouches of delicious, stress-relieving Calm Bites now

And get back to feeling the joy in your life once again...

I can’t wait to see your results.

Go Ahead And Choose
Your Package Now...


1 Box


Save 25%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $79.99

security badges.

most popular & best value


Buy 4, Get 1 FREE


Save 37%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $399.95

security badges.

3 box

3 Boxes


Save 31%


add to cart(*plus S&H)

Regular Price: $239.97

security badges.


How many boxes should I order?

Yes! We are proud to produce grain-free and gluten-free baking mixes, made with natural, low-glycemic and zero-calorie sweeteners (including erythritol, stevia and monk fruit). Our products are MUCH lower in sugar and carbohydrates than traditional baking mixes.

This makes them suitable for those with diabetes and those who want to manage their weight and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. As always, check ingredients and nutrition labels and talk to your doctor if you have any questions about the foods that are right for you.

What’s unique about Calm Bites?

Yes! We are proud to produce grain-free and gluten-free baking mixes, made with natural, low-glycemic and zero-calorie sweeteners (including erythritol, stevia and monk fruit). Our products are MUCH lower in sugar and carbohydrates than traditional baking mixes.

This makes them suitable for those with diabetes and those who want to manage their weight and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. As always, check ingredients and nutrition labels and talk to your doctor if you have any questions about the foods that are right for you.

How long before i see results?

As you know, everyone is different. Our bodies are incredibly unique and complex machines and respond differently. Some people see dramatic improvements within just a few weeks, while others takes a few months.. That’s why we offer a 60 day, 100% money-back guarantee on any option you choose.
